ABOUT THE ARTIST: My studio is open Friday-Saturday 12:00- 4:00 PM or by appt. for other hours. Most often on other days, there are other artists at Pink Dog that can help with purchases when I'm not available. Text or email me to schedule a specific time.
Before moving to Asheville, I spent over 35 years working in Boston as a commercial photographer. Ten of those years I worked for the NBC affiliate heading up the still photography department, providing imagery for various advertising campaigns.
Photography continues to play an important role in my paintings, whether it’s for reference, or incorporated into a mixed media, such as encaustics or cold-wax with oils.
My work is on display at Pink Dog Creative Studios. Most work is available for shipping anywhere in the US. To see more work visit my web page. www.lucycobos.com or my Instagram page: lc.photo for the most update paintings.