Heather Hanson, Fine Artist, focuses on reclamation of the Divine Feminine. Her work exposes her transformation journey from corporate executive to liberated artist and spiritual seeker.

Her mission? To fill the world with hope, belonging and connection. To do so, she embraces key creation principles. First, facilitate a high-vibrational energy transfer between viewer and painting working in expressive, abstract portraiture. Next, pay homage to lived experience using an organic build-up of multiple textural layers, depicting a moment in time and communicating reverence for all life. Finally, empower the viewer to see and express themselves, free of external definitions and coding. She applies energetically intentional palettes to support the opening of the viewer’s chakra centers and enhance the connection to the True Self that dwells within.
The viewer experiences an intentional blending of color and form in celebration of Unity, and is invited to release attachment to an identity continually, beautifully in flux where one ponders: who am I?